Welfare překlad

Anglický slovník: překlad slova wish welfare překlad The welfare of the child is the controlling consideration. Das Wohl des Kindes ist die beherrschende Überlegung. Hes putting his selfish wishes above the welfare of everyone else. Er stellt seine Wünsche über das Wohl aller anderen. European citizens are very concerned about the welfare of animals.
welfare Übersetzung Deutsch | Englisch-Deutsch Wörterbuch Rychlý překlad slova welfare do češtiny, výslovnost, tvary a příklady užití. Italsko-český slovník zdarma.
welfare - Anglicko-český slovník en For example, the new welfare economics of capital controls views unstable capital flows as negative externalities on recipient countries, which implies that regulations on cross-border flows are the optimal tools to address market failures, improve market functioning, and enhance growth, not worsen it.
Political warfare - Wikipedia welfare překlad Text písně 1997 — Maximo Park: Southern minnesota in the year of 1997, There was a great natural light in the sky, And people ran in fear, And i was so concerned with the welfare
welfare organization definition | English definition welfare překlad welfare - překlad do angličtiny a diskuse ve fóru, kde můžete klást otázky. welfare n noun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. (well-being) blaho s podstatné jméno středního rodu: Označuje názvy osob, zvířat, věcí, vlastností a dějů rodu středního (např. kuře, letadlo).
welfare organization definition | English definition welfare překlad Search welfare organization and thousands of other words in English definition and synonym dictionary from Reverso. You can complete the definition of welfare organization given by the English Definition dictionary with other English dictionaries: Wikipedia, Lexilogos, Oxford, Cambridge, Chambers Harrap, Wordreference, Collins Lexibase dictionaries, Merriam Webster
welfare translation Spanish | English-Spanish dictionary Educational Welfare Officer n (in Britain) a local education authority worker whose job it is to find out whether difficulties outside school are contributing to a childs classroom problems or irregular attendance and who may intervene to help the child to benefit more from schooling, (Former names) school attendance officer, truancy officer
Google Anglický slovník - překlad anglických slov welfare, general welfare, public welfare do češtiny
welfare - překlad do češtiny | slovník Search the worlds information, including webpages, images, videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what youre looking for.
welfare - překlad do češtiny | slovník welfare překlad obecné blaho common good, general welfare: podpora: sociální podpora social security benefits, (BrE) income support, (AmE) social welfare, (systém i služby též) public assistance: podpora (hovor.) být na …
Anglický slovník - překlad welfare do češtiny welfare překlad překlad welfare measure ve slovníku angličtino-čeština. en Considers that modulation funds should be made available primarily using the Leader method and for measures aimed at combating the loss of biodiversity, risk insurance, adapting to climate change, measures targeting the sustainable use of biomass, accompanying measures for structural reform (e.g. organisation of the milk market